Duke City Radio

                  (Advertising Rates / Sizes)

All ad sizes shown are in pixels except the coupon and YouTube.  We offer a variety of ads to fit your needs and budget.

Pricing: All rates are monthly, based on a three (3) consecutive months agreement. Gross receipts tax to be added

Banner top of home page

728 x 90— $100.00

 Display ads on home page

260 x 260 — $100.00
260 x 125 —- $80.00
125 x 400 —   $80.00
125 x 250 —   $75.00
125 x 125  —   $50.00

All display ads receive a free business listing on the website.

Business Listing – $ 25.00/month per three (3) consecutive months agreement  on Duke City Radio website home page.

Printable Coupon –  2” x 3” (vertical) or 3” x 2” horizontal (coded coupons recommended) $35.00 per month

YOU TUBE- ( on home page) $100.00 per month

Artist packages available for concentrated airplay

All rates are monthly and based on three (3) consecutive months agreement.  Short term agreements are available for special events and YOU TUBE.  Annual and semi-annual contracts are also available for all ads with a 10% discount for pre-payment.  Some ads can be set up to revolve / rotate for extra charge

Design Services are available through our expert graphic artists.

Flash Banners / Peel Banners for 10 sec. /20 sec


Site-ready advertisements must be provided no less than seven (7) days before insertion date, depending on scheduling of agreement. First come first served basis.  A one time insertion fee for site-ready advertisements is thirty-five ($35.00) dollars.  Advertisements run for full agreement term, seven (7) days per week, 24 hours per day including holidays.

Contact us for prices at: 305-914-4000 –  24hrs.

Right of Refusal:

Duke City Radio LLC, reserves the right to refuse any advertising placement we deem inappropriate for any reason.